Eddy4Congress.com Blog

National Security: Is the Border Important?

CBP encountered OVER 8 MILLION people coming across the border since the beginning of the Biden administration.

GOP Candidate Names Small Business and Economic Advisor

Chris Eddy, GOP candidate for Congress in District 25, South Florida, a retired Air Force Reserve Brigadier General, a retired FBI Intelligence leader, and a City Commissioner in Weston, FL introduced noted CEO and business author/consultant Bill Adams as the campaign’s Small Business and Economic Advisor.

Press Release on Israeli Attacks

Today, Chris Eddy, GOP candidate for Congress in District 25, South Florida, a retired Air Force Reserve Brigadier General, a retired FBI Intelligence leader, and a City Commissioner in Weston, FL expressed his strong support for Israel against the Iranian-funded terrorists.

August Update

We are less than 12 months before the Primary, and just 14 months to the General Election to restore Civility, Fiscal Discipline, and Security to our great nation!

July Newsletter

August begins our Sprint to the August 2024 Primary! We have great momentum but we can't rest on our success.

July Update

We had a great month in the Eddy campaign! We finished the month strong. Just look at the stats included. also, we have several other Meet and Greets scheduled in July.

May 2023 Newsletter

The Eddy For Congress campaign is in full swing! We have over 70 volunteers helping in our journey…from graphic artists to door knockers to meet and greet hosts. Let’s recap what our team accomplished in May:

What a great week!

I was able to meet with business leaders throughout the county who expressed their concern with the national economy potentially dragging down the Broward economy...

Busy Week!

What a wild week it’s been! We had a great social and fundraising event which introduced our campaign to dozens of new people. I went to several small business openings. We participated in charitable...
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