Would You Rather Have Medicare Dental or Student Loan Repayments?

President Biden has made student loan repayments the hallmark of his presidency. He has used US taxpayer money to pay about $1 trillion in loans (The Total Cost of Student Debt Cancellation-2024-04-29 (crfb.org), even after the Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional (Supreme Court Strikes Down Student Loan Forgiveness Program – National Conference of State Legislatures (ncsl.org)).

At the same time, President Biden cut Medicare payments to seniors (Sen. Rick Scott Slams Biden’s Medicare Cuts – U.S. Senator Rick Scott (senate.gov)) and he’s hoping nobody will notice and the complicit media will ignore it.

As your next Congressman, I will expand Medicare coverage to include dental. How? By stopping the illegal student loan repayments and dedicating that money to providing much-needed dental coverage to Medicare (Dental service coverage (medicare.gov)).

Our seniors have worked their entire lives only to see their savings eaten away by Bidenflation. It’s time to restore the trust and hope to our most vulnerable population.

Vote for Chris Eddy for US Congress in District 25 and help restore COMMON SENSE to Washington.

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